Den Døde Sol Cassette

01 Givet Op
02 Mens Livet Forsvinder
03 Grå Dage
04 Dit Liv
05 Føler Ingenting
01 Flygt
02 Begrav Dig Selv
03 Sluk Lyset
04 I Mørket
Release-date: 2022
Production/mix: Jacob Bredahl (Dead Rat Studio)
Mastering: Brad Boatright (Audiosiege)
Artwork: Lasse Høgh
Photography: Martin Goltermann
Label: Indisciplinarian
Pressing: 100 copies
Shipping Denmark: 7 euro (flat rate)
Shipping Germany: 15 euro (flat rate)
Shipping Europe: 18 euro (flat rate)
Write - [email protected] - for pickup in the center of Copenhagen with no shipping charge.